Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tools Unionize, H@ndy M@nny forced to quit business.

H@ndy M@ndy announced today that he would be retiring.  He is no longer able to operate his business due to the fact that his tools have formed a Union and are refusing to work until their demands are met.   The tools are tired of doing all of the work while their boss just sits there.   He gets all of the credit and the tools are not receiving their promised share.  Just last week the Hammer was suffering from a migraine headache and could not perform his function, the boss proceeded to force him to work by threatening to run him over with the truck. This incident was the last straw for all of the tools.  That same night they had a meeting of the tools and decided that they would unionize.  They elected the Monkey Wrench to be the president.  They say that he is the best at tightening down on the competition.  They then all paid their dues which is said to be extra nuts and bolts they have collected.  They are now known as The Former Handy Manny Tools Who are no longer going to take it.  Which abbreviated is FHMTWANLGTTI.  So they abbreviated it to WART.  We are the Tools.   Until negotiations are done and a middle ground met,  the boss is no more.  We will continue to cover this story for you.  Thanks 

1 comment:

  1. WOW, this is special, but written very factual... Even though it isn't! This is why I love you!
