Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Time for some Gaming

Well I have completed the series.  The series I am talking about is Halo.  I recently completed Reach.  I am not sure what to think about it.  The story was good just like the other games.  It was varied from level to level.  But some of it felt thrown in to break up the monotony.  The level where you get to pilot a space ship and have a star wars style battle felt constrained.  Don't get me wrong it was fun but just didn't feel complete.  The new weapons were just OK.  I noticed I mostly stayed with the classic weapons instead of the new ones.  Oh well everyone plays differently right.  I am sure most people are getting this game for the multiplayer aspect I am not one of those.  I just don't have the time to dedicate to it.  Well have fun and enjoy life. 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sorry for the delay

To those select few that have been enlightened by my words I apologize for being away.  I have been fairly busy and I have neglected this site.  I am sorry.  It will be fixed I will post more here shortly. I have several things in the works.  You shall be enlightened and mesmerized with what shall come forth.  To those who do follow thanks. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tools Unionize, H@ndy M@nny forced to quit business.

H@ndy M@ndy announced today that he would be retiring.  He is no longer able to operate his business due to the fact that his tools have formed a Union and are refusing to work until their demands are met.   The tools are tired of doing all of the work while their boss just sits there.   He gets all of the credit and the tools are not receiving their promised share.  Just last week the Hammer was suffering from a migraine headache and could not perform his function, the boss proceeded to force him to work by threatening to run him over with the truck. This incident was the last straw for all of the tools.  That same night they had a meeting of the tools and decided that they would unionize.  They elected the Monkey Wrench to be the president.  They say that he is the best at tightening down on the competition.  They then all paid their dues which is said to be extra nuts and bolts they have collected.  They are now known as The Former Handy Manny Tools Who are no longer going to take it.  Which abbreviated is FHMTWANLGTTI.  So they abbreviated it to WART.  We are the Tools.   Until negotiations are done and a middle ground met,  the boss is no more.  We will continue to cover this story for you.  Thanks 

Monday, April 26, 2010

D0ra The Exporter aKa the Drug Smuggler

D0ra the Explorer has been extremely successful financially, including $1 billion in sales in 2004 alone.

This quote comes from a confidential source who wishes to remain anonymous.   As we see here in this statement made in 2004, that the Exporter has reached an unprecedented level in drugs revenue.  One might ask how this simple little girl has done all of this.  It is quite simple actually it is hidden in plain sight.  As most of us know the Exporter can communicate with animals.  This makes all wildlife believe that she is their friend.  She manipulates these animals and using them to traffic her illegal drugs.  Think about it who is going to stop a friendly dolphin swimming in the ocean and suspect drugs are hidden on board.  No one that is who.  This is the safest way to transport the drugs coming from all over the world.  And even if she had them on here is going to check the oh so innocent looking little girl who is ambassador to the animals.  Again no one. 

One person who we interviewed who will remain anonymous due to fear of repercussions from the family stated " He once saw the Exporter physically abuse a large walrus who refused to comply with her demands.  She repeatedly struck the walrus with a wuffle ball bat.  She need then had the Walrus exiled from the rest of the heard for his insubordination."  We can neither confirm nor deny this statement of course.  We do know that certain wildlife will not come near us after starting to research this article.  So just remember that little girl that we all think is so sweet and innocent is actually one of the largest distributors of  drugs in the world.  

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome to my world.

Thanks for checking out my blog.  I got bored and decided that everyone should have the chance to hear what I have to say.  What will you find here, who knows?  I will post pictures,  ramblings,  screen shots of random software I come across,  and screen-shots of movies.  I am just going to wing it and even take suggestions from you.  I will have a discussion on why D0ra the explorer is the worlds greatest drug smuggler.  My theories on natural selection.  And of course life in general.  Again thank you for checking this out and possibly following me.  All feedback is enjoyed and will help decide the course that I take this.  Thanks